Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am reminded of  the dedication at the back of the picture telling me that a teacher touches lives of students for all eternity. This is not only true to teachers but to anyone. One way or another we touch each other’s lives  especially those whom we have meaningful relationship.

            It is for this reason that we should always be mindful of what we say or do. In moments of despair, we will forever be grateful to someone who speak kind words to us to uplift our spirit.  Words of thanks from a stranger whom we offered help give us joy.

            Kind words are never obsolete. Though decades ago I can still recall my teacher commended the essay I wrote.  Since that time, I felt I’m good at writing and I’m making a dream come true in doing this blog… I was traumatized with math, not able to count, add and subtract in front of classmates, I was scolded. But I don’t blame anybody if I  did not become an engineer. God gave me many talents,  being a math wizard  is not one of them.

            Even dogs jump at caring expressions. A gentle pat on the head, calling their names as you pass are acknowledged by  wagging  tails.

True enough, Cheryl Kirking has this to say in her book Ripples of Joy,   
"Offer one small act of kindness and in a moment it is gone
But a hundred ripples circle on and on.
A hundred  ripples circle on and on…"

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