Monday, July 11, 2011

As Time Goes By...

            Sam asked me if I have written something about them… I honestly answered not yet..  Her query made me realize how time passes swiftly.  I really wanted to compose some  lines about them and as I sit down  in front of the computer I scanned my  cerebrum for memories.

To my surprise,  what crossed the threshold of my mind are their smiles and hardly some…. I  remember that I gave  Patrick a name which I fail to recall what…that I got angry with them  for not making the bottle garden which I was  so exited to demonstrate to them….lost count of how many were exempted from a quiz because it was their  birthday when we had one.. .. Mark wished our subject was akin to his favorite Mathematics… it was Sam who gave me a small lavender pouch with golden hearts which I keep until now..  and the names Earl, Jazzy, Elgen, Jason C, Heinrich, Clarissa, Delna, Adrian, Jessa, Gabriel, Vincent, Jason S., Harry, Princess, Matet, Ysabela, Roielou, Loraine, Rohanni, Eva, Keanchy, Ruby, Karina, Catherine, Ian, Karen,   even Ira and Louise who transferred  and of course Jerald, thank you for making me a winning coach through your hardwork and diligence.
If I failed to mention others, it doesn't mean I cared less for them. It's just that I easily forget names.. I promise to edit this post next time..
Getting older is inevitable and I have to face one of my greatest fears… not able to remember meaningful and happy memoirs of my life.  I'm hopeful to inherit my father's  excellent brain power.  Until his last days he remembers taking his medication on time and prompts us of tasks we forget.
I do exercise my brain to remember names.  It sometimes take weeks for me to recall one… It is a reality that neurons degenerate with age.  and forgetfulness is certain.  We can only wish that though we forget names, places and events, there will always be people who will bring to mind fond memories of the past that will linger and never to be forgotten…. 

As promised I want to add names and names I can recall. Kathleen who opened this page and did not tell me that she is not in the list. Shiryl, Lei, Gayle, Loren, Kimberly, Bianca, Girlyn. 
I'll add to this list next time.....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Behind the laughter

            Have you laughed though your hurting so much?  Well, you're a rare species and I really marvel at you for being one.

            I will my friend… This is what I uttered to myself when a friend said "if only I can write something about what's behind those laughter " ..   Thank you for the inspiration my friend.

I dedicate this article to all who face their problems with a smile and even in the midst of  heartbreaking experiences they  laugh with the world and maintain a happy countenance.

When in a quandary, one can't help but cry in isolation.. and  shut their doors to others. But not  Kim..  My friend is full of admiration for him.  Since his childhood  he's man enough to stand up to what life has offered him. Living away from home with a younger sister, he was  responsible for the two of them. Not many children are trained to be independent at an early age… and with austere needs.

There are  many  "Kims"  around us. Our favorite star may not  show any sadness when on stage because she knows that the show must go on…A  teacher puts on a jovial mask in front of students because of her commitment… A vendor though tired of standing widens her smile as customers wait in queue.. Lots of  cheerful people, so full of life, and yet they strive against all odds.

As I write this,  poignant memories fill my heart.  I realized I'm "Kim" at one point in my life.  How I faced my troubles with laughter that I can't understand  but what I learned  from life is.. Do not let your troubles bring you down,  instead,  magnify your ecstasies.  No matter how dismal your outlook may seem,  there's always that feeling of optimism, of strength and hope.

Be like Kim,  smiling, cheery, mindful of the people who cares and above all believes that our loving Father is with us every inch of the way….  

Monday, February 28, 2011

You can't have it all!

One TV ad has pointed that out.  And I truly affirm it.  We can’t have them all,  but we can be content of what we have and be the best of what  we can be.
Success stories are awe inspiring that we wished we too had the talents and abilities of those we look up to.  Who wouldn’t wish he had the boxing prowess of Manny Pacquiao,  the magic of Efren “Bata” Reyes, the beauty of Julia Roberts, the genius of Albert Einstein and the wisdom of Solomon? 
When I was younger,  after viewing so many James Bond movies, I started kicking here and there  imagining that I was a secret agent.  With Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon,  I too leaped  to be an astronaut.  Curious of people talking and the sound of music in the radio, I was keen on the  inventiveness of Thomas Edison.  A have a heart of a good Samaritan, so I thought  I can be of help to others by becoming a doctor.
 What could have happened that I did not become any of the  things I fancied.  At this point in my life,  I came to realize that with so many wishes,  a lot of dreams,  various opportunities,  one has to work hard, get rid of traits that  serve as stumbling blocks to improving oneself.    I didn’t have the guts to apply as working student instead of quitting.  I was contented with what I believe life has in store for me.  If only I did  not miss those golden chances that could have changed my life completely.. I failed to recognize that  dreams  materialize with open eyes.  That for one to complete a journey, the first single  step must be done.  
Though  the path I travel everyday has humps and cracks, I learned that one can be happy and contented without having any of those things we wanted.  Don’t be deceived that you’re contented because you dwell in your comfort zone.  The secret to genuine happiness says Matthieu Ricard, the happiest man in the world, is to nurture loving kindness,  unconditional love,  an act of generosity with no strings attached…inner peace,  inner strength,  inner contentment.
If only  we made use of the talents and skills God has endowed us.   If only those valuable gifts are not wasted...  Search your  inner self  and uncover your hidden treasures.  Share them to others.. It is through simple acts of kindness that we can  find meaning  and truly appreciate what the Lord has bestowed on us.
If only we have the faith as big as a mustard seed…then we can be truly happy ..  with no worries because as God’s children we have a loving Father who will provide all our needs.  And though life is full of complexities,  one can be happy,  contented  and feel  fulfilled without having them all!